Spire Integrated Solutions Introduces an Industry First and New Product Enhancements During AALAS 2022.

Posted by Joey Leffel on Jun 13th 2023

Spire Integrated Solutions, the premier manufacturer of steam sterilizers and washing equipment for the Vivarium marketplace, headquartered in Orlando, Florida, introduced the company's next-generation washing equipment and the industry's first common PLC platform at AALAS 2022.

What is AALAS?

AALAS 2022 is the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science's annual national meeting. The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) is a membership association of professionals employed around the world in academia, government, and private industry. These professionals dedicate themselves to the humane care and treatment of laboratory animals and the quality research that leads to scientific gains that benefit people and animals.

The Launch

During the AALAS annual meeting, Spire had launched the long-awaited product enhancement to the company's Vivarium washing equipment and steam sterilizers.

According to Spire Integrated Solution's CEO, Jim Fry, the Vivarium equipment manufacturer is launching the first-ever common control platform that operates the company's PRIMUS-brand steam sterilizer and LYNX-brand washing equipment.

Spire launches an industry first at the AALAS 2022 convention.

Spire Integrated Solutions is the first and only autoclave and laboratory washing equipment manufacturer to offer a common PLC platform. This interchangeable PLC platform can be found on the PRIMUS Steam Sterilizer and the Lynx brand Tunnel Washer.

"Our main goal, when designing this common platform, is to improve the user experience significantly. We wanted our platform design to look, feel, and operate the same among Spire's autoclave and washing equipment."

Jim Fry, CEO, Spire

In addition to being an industry first, Spire launched their "Next-Generation" tunnel washer at the show. The launch revealed the enhancements made to the company's Vivarium washing appliances.

"Our "next-gen" enhancements to our Tunnel Washers result from 35 years of combined washing technology expertise."

Jim Fry, CEO, Spire Integrated Solutions

Enhancements to Spire's "Next-Gen" Tunnel Washer include:

  • A completely redesigned hydraulic circuit
  • An updated and improved hydraulic washing filtration system
  • Integrated exhaust manifold
  • An updated drying system
  • The integrated control system
  • Modular sections allow for easy field installation

Spire Integrated Solutions has identified the first serial number and plans to manufacture its first model in the first quarter of 2023.

About Parts

Spire's Sterilizer and Washing Equipment use similar parts to consolidate our bill of materials. Spire parts are non-proprietary. Spare parts can be purchased from the Spire Online Parts Store.