How to Solve Plumbing & Mechanical Problems on a PRIMUS Sterilizer
Posted by Joey Leffel on Jun 13th 2023
Check these points when troubleshooting plumbing and/or mechanical issues on a PRIMUS sterilizer.
The steam line to the sterilizer from the steam-to-steam generator was insulated, but did not have the required drip leg.
The drain from the vacuum pump was reduced from 1 ¼ inch pipe to 1 inch sweat copper. This restriction will ultimately degrade the performance and longevity of the vacuum pump.
The pin trap in the chamber drain was full of tape and paper.
The jacket RTD was found to be touching the chamber wall.
Solenoid valves and check valves were found to be worn out.
The drain check valve was upside down and the heat exchanger check valve was at a 45-degree angle pointing downward.
The drain valve and heat exchanger check valve internals had fallen apart.
The unions from the heat exchanger were only hand tight.
The ½-inch ball cone check valve for the steam trap was worn out.
The gasket retract solenoid valve was leaking.
The water to the heat exchanger solenoid valve was missing one of the four bolts that hold it together.
The drain valve, gasket retract valve, water quench valve, and the water-to heat exchanger valve all needed replacement.
The water quench needle valve was worn out.
The door handle was loose as were the wheels on the transfer carriage
Have a question about troubleshooting the plumbing or mechanical issues with a PRIMUS sterilizer? Contact our PRIMUS sterilizer expert, Dave Schall at 877 679 7800 CST.